Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A.B Frost Mastercopy

Master Copy Oil


Close up Mastercopy
Close up Mastercopy


Horrendous photos, but will take a better one soon.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

30 Portraits/30 Days

Generally I'm happy with the results, wish I spent more time on some of them and was able to refine some of them, but learned a lot about different techniques. Here is the set.

Marker on Bristol

Ink, Watercolor on Duralar

Collage, Watercolor on Reeves BFK

Neocolor II, Acrylic on Canvas

Watercolor, Marker, Gel Pen on Bristol

Sumi Ink, White Acrylic on Bristol


Thread, Acrylic on Muslin

Cut Paper, Ink on Pastel Paper

Ink, Watercolor, White Acrylic, Charcoal on Reeves BFK

Pastel& Acrylic on Canvas

Watercolor, Gouache on Reeves BFK

Oil on Gessoboard


Ink on Mylar and Cutpaper

Colored Pencil, Wood Stain on Wood

Black Masking Tape

Watercolor on Watercolor Paper

Graphite on Bristol

Acrylic & Collage on Canvas

Ink, Gelly Roll Pen on Art Again Paper

Charcoal Pencil and White Pastel on Art Again Paper

Colored Pencil on Bristol

Neocolor II on Bristol

Charcoal, Pastel on Bristol

Pastel, Ink on Mylar

Pastel on Mylar

Watercolor, Pastel on Watercolor Paper

Casein on Wood Panel

Silk Painting on Silk

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Starting Junior Year

I'm hoping to keep this blog updated regularly, I will definitely have work to put in it soon, in fact I already do just need to scan it and take pictures.

This semester's focus is to get better at figure drawing and drawing in general.

So Schedule:
Illustration 2 with Pratt
Adv. Rep Draw with Pratt
Portraiture with Johnson
Figure Painting with Johnson
Intermediate Figure

Essentially its set up so I have 6 hours of figure drawing pretty much everyday. I love this schedule, but its pretty intense and its day 3. Well, back to sketching. 30 sketchbook pages a week!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Intro to GIC- Typography Poster

Poster for GIC that is due on Tuesday, any thoughts?

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Landscape Painting

Beach by New College's Boat Dock

Mable Ringling's Rose Garden

One of the random Lakes on the property